Time again for the Bee's game!! :) gotta love those Bee's I got tickets again from work and guess what?!? THEY WON THIS TIME!! haha It was a pretty good game! The other teams manager got thrown out and there was big fight between him and the ump! It was funny...the music that played while they were fighting..."Hit the Road Jack" The entire stadium was singing along and "BOOing" We were being really sincere about it tho. It was again Katie, Chris, me and...new person..PJ! He totally made the night! We had a minor mishap with the fourth person and PJ happened to be there at the right time! :) He had never been to a Bee's game before and the ticket guy asked him how he got to be with all the cute girls he was with...he said it musta been his money cuz it sure wasn't his looks!!! PJ felt so bad after that guy said that to him! So we had to make sure he knew he was beautiful! Ha ha it was awesome!!! :) Good game..good company!! Thank you much work!! (Jacob)
also ps...Went and hit range at Overlake yesterday!! I haven't hit a golf club in a REALLY long time and sure showed!! I need to go again because I do miss it...but then I gave up and decided I didn't miss it. ha ha ha 

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